The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Love Story are traditionally shown to incoming Harvard University freshmen.
Why??? Does any1 know????
"People are just bastard coated bastards with bastard filling."
The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Love Story are traditionally shown to incoming Harvard University freshmen.
Why??? Does any1 know????
"People are just bastard coated bastards with bastard filling."
I do not have a defintie answer to why these two films are showm or if these two films are connected in anyway but this may help a little:
The main character in Love Story is a Harvard student and Susan Sarandon was given the Hasty Pudding Club (whatever that is) award by Harvard in 1996 for her role in TRHPS.
"People are just bastard coated bastards with bastard filling."
What?! Not The Paper Chase? I protest!
Love Story I can understand since the movie itself takes place at Harvard. But Rocky Horror? It's just a cult classic that's to my knowledge still has midnight showings in Boston. It's just a movie that's appropriate for college students.
Hey, even my MOTHER watched Rocky Horror (didn't have much choice since I was watching it in the living room). And even SHE thought THAT movie is better than THIS movie, so there you are. Even Monty Python & the Holy Grail (however stupid it is) is BETTER than this movie. And even Phantom of the Paradise is better (to Ma's credit she got all the references including a couple I didn't pick up).
Class dismissed.
I don't know but I love that 😃