Did Ali Know?

I get the feeling that Ali knew, or, had some idea that she was sick, even before she met Oliver. Sure, she's an energetic, forthright character, but, to me, it seems like she's come to accept something heavy in her life and, when she meets Oliver, he's something fulfilling that she pursues. Hence, dropping her future plans, which really only involved her, is no big thing for her, since she has some idea that her time is finite.

Also, her reaction when Oliver gets home from seeing the doctor; Ali asks Oliver what the doctor told him, but she does it in a way that she tells him what he's just been told by the doctor, implying that she's seen doctors about it before, but it wasn't as serious.

There are also a few moments, earlier in the film, where she gets a little more serious than usual, and questions why he wants to be with her, in a way that, to me, implies she knows what's coming.

Also, when he shows her the Paris tickets, her reaction is similar to when he comes home and they talk about his first visit to the doctor. It seems like she only mentions being sick then, because he's now starting to treat her like a patient, when all along (if she knows she's been sick) he hasn't been, and that's worked for her.

Just some thoughts.


I don't think she was sick before that.
