A remake
If there ever was a remake, who would you want to play the characters?
shareI'd love to see a remake bur can't think of anyone but a young Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott.
shareThe story won’t work in the politically correct 21st story. Nobody would buy it.
shareThere should not be a remake of a movie that should never have been made in the first place. It was a silly sickly-sweet mess.
sharePrivileged son falls in love with girl from the wrong side of the tracks, his father disproves and then she dies.
Nothing particularly non-PC about that. Though I'm sure if they did remake it there would be a radical though meaningless twist or two.
Well I expect it would be a privileged black lesbian daughter falls in love with a poor struggling transgender hispanic midget that gets sick and dies... Did I hit all the right buttons for a studio to green light it?
sharePossibly too many buttons pressed. But probably correct for the cheap spoof followup that becomes an instant cult hit for those who prefer to watch their movies through a haze of beery fumes.
shareThe novel was lachrymose crap. “Love means you never have to say you’re sorry”?! That’s a greeting card, not a novel. The story’d be laughed off the screen today. It should have been back then, but we were using a lot of drugs back then.
sharei'm surprised it hasn't been remade considering it was a huge hit
shareI think it was originally published in 1973.