3 points- 1) terrible acting. Ali McGraw was awful...and some of her lines made me cringe...not to mention, she was horrible

2) Ryan's dad was a nice guy.....there r father in laws who wouldnt even look at their kids if they disobeyed them.....this guy gave his son money and compared to many many father in laws/fathers...was a nice guy...the way Ryan treated him was awful

3) the soundtrack was thing that lived up to it

I am a very emotional person, but only thing that made me cry in this film was the corny lines....everytime Ali spoke i cringed so much it had me cry....

let down...such a let down


His father was a prick.


lol my father in law is a prick....he wouldnt give his kids $10 let lone $100, 000....even if they really needed it. His son disobeyed him and married someone whom he didnt approve of...

but his kids will never raise their voices to him or do what Ryan did to his dad....infact they worship him

There r far worse fathers out there....who who such bad things....whose kids still treat them with love and respect...

so this man was wonderful compared to my father in law....what he got from his son, he really didnt deserve


The father was a prick. It's none of the father's business who Oliver marries. Oliver is, after all, an adult.


true but all parents have an input into who their children marry....

some parents disown their kids, some parents kill their kids, some parents make the kids marry someone else (u try being asian!)

His father was godsent compared to sooo many fathers out there...

Jus wonder what his reaction to his father might be if his dad had moelsted him, turned him down for money, disowned him, rejected him...

but he would think his dad was the best dad in the world afterall....


His father cut him off from his money, making Ryan unable to continue going to school, isn't that right? Seems pretty terrible to me. Of course there are worse examples out there, you'll find worse examples of anything. Doesn't make it any better


You're kidding right?? How old are you?

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


"The father was a prick. It's none of the father's business who Oliver marries. Oliver is, after all, an adult."

It seems to me that if your Father sends you to the best, most expensive schools in the country at the time (Exeter, and Harvard, including law school) you owe him a little respect, and could follow his wishes until you graduate.

Oliver was an insufferable ass towards his Father.


It seems to me that if your Father sends you to the best, most expensive schools in the country at the time (Exeter, and Harvard, including law school) you owe him a little respect, and could follow his wishes until you graduate.

Oliver was an insufferable ass towards his Father.

Did you WATCH this movie? Oliver was graduating from Harvard College when he wanted to marry Jenny, whom he described to his father as a brilliant, talented Radcliffe graduate (i.e., self-made thru intelligence and hard work). His father says no, not if you want my money to go to Harvard Law School, she's the daughter of a cookie baker from Cranston RI (where the Barretts made their money running textile mills on the backs of the immigrants, Jenny's among them).

Oliver decides that he will make it (HLS, etc) on his own and marries the woman he loves. It's called LOVE STORY not because he's supposed to live like a child for another 3 years in his father's hope that he and Jenny will fall out of love having to wait. Do you remember she gave up her graduate scholarship in Paris to marry him and support him thru law school?

BTW, in the late 60's, couples didn't live together so that was not an option and Father wasn't going to pay for Oliver to go to school and Live In Sin as it was called then.

And someone else wrote that Father gave his son money...yes, he did because Oliver was begging (for Jenny's medical treatment) and lied that he'd gotten a girl "in trouble" so Father would give him the money even tho he was now working in a great job. Father did that to avoid a scandal, not out of the goodness of his heart: Oliver was working with attorneys well-known to the elder Barrett who runs in the same social circle.

I think the ending, when Father has found out what the money was for and goes to the hospital to finally support his son, is, despite the trite phrase "Love means...", quite meaningful: Father sees that Oliver has stood up for himself, done extremely well in LS, gotten the powerful corporate job Father expected had he continued to control his son, AND the daughter-in-law had supported the son and they were happily married. Oliver got his father's respect. I think the 2 reconciled thereafter. LOVE STORY! all around.


I get your point, I guess I'm old fashioned in thinking you should respect a Father's wishes. Especially one who bankrolls your superior education, gives you a large inheritance, and helps you be a success in the world.

Three years to finish law school is not forever. Certainly Oliver, and Jenny could have seen each other frequently, their obvious love for each other was not going to fade.


Did you WATCH this movie? Oliver was graduating from Harvard College when he wanted to marry Jenny, whom he described to his father as a brilliant, talented Radcliffe graduate (i.e., self-made thru intelligence and hard work). His father says no, not if you want my money to go to Harvard Law School, she's the daughter of a cookie baker from Cranston RI (where the Barretts made their money running textile mills on the backs of the immigrants, Jenny's among them).
That's not quite the whole truth. The father wasn't flat out denying that the sun could marry the girl. He simply said "give it some time – and if you still love her after a couple of years, then we'll see what happens" or something like that. He was not threatening to Oliver off from the money. That only happened after Oliver was very rude to his father and refused to give it some time. His father had every reason to think that Oliver was jumping into this with eyes closed, as fast as it was, and he just didn't want to see his son make a mistake.

Also, you have to put yourself in his father's place – being the head patriarch of the dynasty of riches. Rich people have to be careful because they never know who loves them for their money or who loves them for themselves. Oliver's father had every right to be cautious and classist, because when you're that Rich you have to be. And as I said, all he was asking from Oliver was to give it some time. He did not say that Oliver couldn't see the girl or that he couldn't marry the girl. He simply said to give it some time. Oliver refused to do so, and suffered the consequences.

It may not have been the nicest situation, but his father was right. Not that Oliver was wrong, but his father was right.

Ryan O'Neal is adorable, but I thought that his character was a prick to his father.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Yes it is his business who Oliver Marries. Especially since he is his son.


His son disobeyed him and married someone whom he didnt approve of...

So? Oliver, Jr. has to live with his wife, not Oliver, Sr. Is Oliver, Jr. a child? No. He's an adult, and as such, can marry who he wants.


It's okay--my problem is the language, the lack of Catholic belief on the part of Jennifer, the morals; this is why I wasn't allowed to watch it for many years, well into my adulthood. Now my mom...

She thought this was THE worst movie ever made. I mean she would watch just about any movie, and I do mean ANY movie (including Monty Python), instead of this. I mean think of the worst movie you ever saw and increase it ten fold. Why?...

She hated Ali McGraw, couldn't stand Ryan O'Neil and thought this was the sappiest movie created. Sheesh!


She hated Ali McGraw, couldn't stand Ryan O'Neil

That's funny, because there aren't any actors in this movie named "Ali McGraw" or "Ryan O'Neil." Idiot.


If they had waited three years, then they would have missed out on those few years before she died so young.

"It's like I'm talking to my Aunt Sylvia here!"


"That's funny, because there aren't any actors in this movie named "Ali McGraw" or "Ryan O'Neil." Idiot."

Excuse me? We are talking about LOVE STORY here aren't we?


I guess they are, I think.


I was in high school and I didn't like it, either. The book was passable as a nice bit of fluff to read for escapist entertainment, but God, the movie was bad, unless you were what we now call a tween. Ali was too old for the part and not a very good actress. Ryan was okay, but kind of clueless and wooden at times. I never understood WHY they loved each other. THey were just portrayed as some kind of soul mates even though they basically had nothing in common. Ray Milland, who played the dad was a good actor, but he was likeable in a weird way when he should have been intractable.

who thinks it's the worst movie ever, though, never saw the sequel, which made the original look like an Oscar worhty film. THAT was true trash.


How can anyone hate this film???

Its of its time and it speaks to us all on a deep level even if some of us will hate to admit it does.

I love Love story


How can anyone hate this film???

Its of its time and it speaks to us all on a deep level even if some of us will hate to admit it does.

I love Love story

I'm in the middle on this.

I can't deny LOVE STORY is pretty bad. Ali's bad, the script is mediocre. Blah-blah-blah, it's all true.

But the era is the key to its appeal and perhaps it helps if one was alive (and remembers) at that time.

The snow scene essentially saves the film --- largely because it evokes the lost, bittersweet, melancholy mood at the cusp of the '60s and '70s (much as the urban street montage sequences in MIDNIGHT COWBOY or the first season opening theme of THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW did and do).

The world actually felt that way at that moment in time.

Otherwise, yeah, it's kinda crap.

LBJ's mistress tells all:;



so many movies, so little time


Awful movie? No.

Iconic? Yes!


It was a vomit-inducing novel. The movie version was doomed to blow dead squirrels.
