Sequel Oliver's Story

Oliver's Story is the sequel of Love Story. To be fair, it is less cunning than Love Story. For although both films are a psychoanalysis of Oliver, Love Story is also a smart romance. In this quality it appealed to a large public. Nevertheless, for me the main theme is the unbalanced behaviour of Oliver, notably the twisted and loveless relation with his father. The sequel Oliver's Story continues along these lines. Here Oliver is on the verge of a mental collapse, and is under mental treatment. This may repel romanticists. However, if you enjoy the psychology in Love Story, then you should definitely see its sequel.


Thanks for the recommendation.


Wow thank you. After all these decades, I never knew there was a sequel to Love Story. Will keep a look out.


i want to see


I read the sequel novel. It was also made into a film, starring Candice Bergen. Half of the film is Oliver reconciling with his father, and the other half is falling in love with Candice. But after visiting Candice’s sweatshop factory in Homg Kong, Oliver is reminded of his ancestors’ sin and breaks the relationship. Nonetheless, Oliver decides to work for his father, consoling himself that he is creating jobs for the working class. It is as if Erich Segal retreats from all the gains made in Love Story.

How many of you know that Segal wrote another sequel, called Man, Woman and Child?


Like most sequels this was poorly done. No it's not as bad as Exorcist 2, but still.
