It wasn't as if it would be impossible for there to be more than one Indian named Little Big Man. Just as Anglos might have several John Smiths and James Johnsons in a town, there could be more than one Little Big Man or Two Moon(s) or Noisy Walking. If you've ever read up on the Little Big Horn, it can get confusing with all of the Indians with the same names. Or Indians known by several names, names that were translated various ways. Like Noisy Walking AKA Ground Sounds As He Walks. Or Lame White Man, who was also known as Moustache or Mad Wolf or White Man Cripple. In addition, it was common for a son to take his father's name, so you'd either have Old/Young or additions of Little (I believe the real Little Big Man's father was Big Man). So at a certain point, often when manhood was realized or recognized by various ways (hunting, warfare, Sun Dance, etc.) Man Afraid of His Horses was one of these, and thus the father became Old Man Afraid and his son was Young Man Afraid. Or sometimes, the father would take a new name entirely, or a variation of it. Sitting Bull's father changed his to Jumping Bull, I believe. Or something similar.
Anyway, that's probably more info than anyone could ever want on the subject of names.
And I agree, Berger probably thought Little Big Man was very close to Little Big Horn, and the public would think the same.
And it was Arrested Development