Saw this movie for the 1st time on TCM recently. Loved it, however....
This is a great movie. Very well written and very well acted by all. The cinematography, directing and editing are outstanding as well. I especially liked how the movie presented the Indians side of 'how the west was won (or lost depending on your point view). Mine is of the later. The slaughter of the Indian village where Jack and Lodge Skins walk unscathed to the river is a recounting (I think) of the massacre at Sand Creek by Colonel Chivington and his troops (Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, Pages 85-91). A very sad day in American history.
My rating 9.9/10. (IMHO, no movie will ever get a 10 not even '10').
Now on to my however, I started watching this movie thinking it was another movie I had watched some 20+ years or more ago that was similar in approach to this one and wanted to see again but to my sadness it was not.
That movie, like this one, is about an interview of a very old man recounting his days living out on the western frontier before the white man came and populated it to a reporter. In that movie, unlike in this one which was long flash back, the scenes where the old man is out on the western frontier in his youth were in numerous flash backs and the last flash back, the only scene I remember with clarity, was the old man's last one where in his youth he is sitting on a hill with his dog (I think) over looking the land below and the old man, via that flash back, is pinning for those days. A very touching and memorable scene.
Does anyone remember that movie and if so what's it's name? I would really like to see that one again.