Regarding the 'contrary', Younger Bear, many of the tribes had similar individuals.
Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions has a chapter on the contraries. Those individuals are called heyoka. The word translates out as 'sacred clown' but I am afraid most folks don't get the right idea from that.
I am by no means an expert of any kind on this topic, but I knew someone back in the 70s that had strong tendencies in that regard.
I am not sure, but after watching the 'contrary' in LBM, and my experience with my friend, I think it is possible those folks experience/react that way because for the time they are heyoka, they actually experience the world that way. (as opposed to experiencing something and then working out how to act 'backwards') The backwardness comes 'naturally' as opposed to forced.
There are cases of heyoka warriors being told to retreat in battle, and they, naturally for them, do the opposite and were killed. Their families and tribes are the ones that have to consciously couch their words and actions to get the behavior they want/need from their heyokas.
My friend experienced cold as heat on several occasions, once attracting police attention. I had no reason to believe that he was 'faking' it, he really did feel warm. He would also dress inappropriately in hot weather, wearing a coat or sweater, because he felt a chill. He had several other 'quirks', in regards to his privacy, I wont go into too much detail.
I note some twinges of contrary behavior in myself, I think the exposure to 'the real thing' might have catalyzed something in me. (and I note this occurred prior to me reading the Lame Deer book)