the movie the book

As i believe the book was written by Thomas Berger and let me tell you the book is better than the movie (always is)but thats not what i wanted to talk about. I think Mr Berger is fairily well versed in the native american culture and though some facts are exagerated to entertain i believe they are taken from history of the plains indians. although the story is not true but more of a vehicle for him. anyway its a great film and worth the time,old lodge skins is a riot. 'invisable! ive never been invisable," lmao .. As to custer he was not crazy as they cast him but he was egotistical and prone to do what he saw fit. Also the fact that the government knew he would get killed there. just what they wanted a martyr to sway public opinion so we coould do what hitler almost did to the jews genocide of a people and have it condoned.!! I think he got what he deserved he was a jerk !!! The truth is they are the only true americans they where here first lol. I mean we wouldnt like it to much if say iran came over all at once and started taking all of this country and making laws to make it legal would we?? I think not! We were the forieners and we should have treated them with more respect. The battle scenes where kinda true as taking coup was a very respected thing, some odds huh like he said bows and arrows against rifles good odds huh. Anyway the movie is a blast and funny as heck. saw it when it was first out and had to go a second time as i was laughing so hard i missed a lot of it.


There was a couple of things from the book that I would have liked to have been in the movie.

The first was that he had a son by Olga and that the son was taken by the Indians when Olga was. Jack never discovered what happened to the boy.

The second was the fact that all the rabbits in the world hated Old Lodge Skins.



sounds like a good book!

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


"the book is better than the movie (always is)"

No, not always. Sometimes the movie is better.
