Worst movie Ever

Is it just me or has anyone else felt as though they've just wasted hours of their lives on this terribly bad movie.I always watch a movie to the end but this one was so painful that I could hardly stay awake. It is bland, dull and just totally uninteresting. I have seen films that are about red indians and the fighting that went on but this one was terrible definitely Hoffman's worst movie!


Sigh, what a nest of films snobs I've stumbled into. Personally, it's not just you. I thought this movie was dull with good moments. To be fair, I watched this movie in my American History class and don't like Westerns, although is this movie really a Western? I don't know. Anyway, I found Hoffman's character to be prudish, ie. the sex scene with him and the three native women was so long and didn't seem to serve any purpose other than making the jocks in my class giggle. The narration from the older Hoffman was so off putting as well that I couldn't get into the movie. It sounded like they got a hillbilly extra to read those lines. The only part that was really enjoyable was the Grandfather character, he was a scene stealer IMO.

There, an honest negative opinion and why I didn't like the film. Not cause it didn't have THX and special effects, because I found problems with the film and personally didn't like it. No need to bash people on either side of the fence, we're all entitled. And no film, no matter how "amazing" or "classic" it is, is perfect. Honestly, the more you guys bash the OP the more you age yourselves and make your opinions irrelevant. Answer the question and move on or don't post, but just showing up a kid cause he didn't like a movie from the 70s makes you a troll.



I think it was just you. Why don't you guys who complain that
each movie you see is the worst movie ever just go to some other
planet and let the rest of us enjoy them do so without you guys' phony
intellectualism careening around making you all look stupid?


It's you my friend. It's you. This movie is a sweeping epic of sure brilliance. Everything you say about this movie is 100% your opinion and not based on anything factual about this movie. It's okay not to like something but to say TERRIBLE? BLAND? DULL? Sorry, but Hoffman was amazing in this. Just look at the comments. Look at Rotten Tomatoes. You are wrong! But you are not wrong for not liking it. It's just a deficiency that you have. Not being able to recognize a CLASSIC. I'm sure you think TRANSFORMERS 2 is much better than Little Big Man.


I can recognize plenty of classics and trust me when I say I do not like transformers and I think it is very pathetic of you to just assume that because I do not like this film that I automatically have awful taste in every other film.


Its just you. I never particularly cared for Westerns until the modern era really (Unforgiven, Open Ranch) but when I watched this as a kid in the early eighties, I was totally engrossed.

Fascinating story which never stops in one place, always moves along, and features an amazing performance by Hoffman which I could appreciate even so young.

Havent seen it in the last 20 years or so but definitley had an effect on me, unlike most movies at the time.

Could have done with more monkeys though.

I find that ducks opinion of me is very much influenced over whether or not i have bread.


Actually, I agree with the very brave man who started this thread. This really is a terrible movie. It sentimentalizes the plains Indians, who were capable of horrific violence long before the white man came. It also demonizes Custer, who lacked tactical judgment but was no more psychotic than Sheridan or Grant.

But more than all of that, the characters in this movie -- whatever they stand for in political terms -- are simply not likeable or believable in their interactions as human beings. Whether passing for red or white, Jack Crabbe is consistently weak-willed, passive and dishonest. He cops out time and again in ways that effectively prevent the viewer from caring what happens to him. All the female characters, red and white, are portrayed as either nags or nubile sluts. The "evil" white people are one-dimensional puppets, and the "good" Indian chief is so cloyingly sweet he makes Yoda look like Vito Corleone.

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I'm with you. This was absolutely horrible. Dustin Hoffman's performance is clownish, as are most of the actors except for the native Americans. This was made in 1970 when the U.S. film industry was trying to make up for fifty years of portraying "Indians" as evil, godless, heathens, while in real life, native Americans were finally rebelling against banishment to reservations. Remember Sacheen Littlefeather accepting Brando's Oscar? Unfortunately this film is garbage and does not entertainingly convey their side of the story.

By the way, I have had an eclectic film taste for 45 years. I love films. This one just ain't lovable. Support freedom of speech!


"Dustin Hoffman's performance is clownish"

It's clownish - as is his accent - ONLY when he's in white society. When he's "livin' Indian" his accent is normal, his character observant, respectful, caring, alert, authentic. The director seems to be saying that Euro-American society was off-kilter and required a set of false values, whereas Native-American society was far more real, honest, noble. Hoffman/Crabbe's dialogue, accent, speech patterns and behavior reflect this difference.

