Beatles singing House Of the Rising Sun
For all you LET IT BE fans: Is anyone aware of what used to be called the best Beatles bootleg LP? It was called SWEET APPLE TRACKS it contained most of the songs from the LET IT BE sesions on double LP. These songs are varients of the versions later released on both LET IT BE and ABBY ROAD. For example we get the
original version of GET BACK which explains its Paul sings "Don't want
no Pakastanies taking other peoples jobs...get back get back get back to where you once belonged etc" I guess this was a topical concern in Britan circa 1969.
It also contains many many old standards such as John screaming a solo of House
of the Rising Sun plus countless other chesnuts and varient versions of older Beatles songs such as MONEY, LUCILLE ETC. I still own it but don't know how to record an LP onto computor for down load. I tried many years ago rerecording it onto casette but due to its bootleg nature it came out very poorly.
Anyone else aware of the LP or how to down load from turn table to computor or
cd player?