MovieChat Forums > Let It Be (2024) Discussion > white stripes rip-off!!!

white stripes rip-off!!!

during a scene in the middle they start jamming, they are playing some spanish song and then john plays some chords at the end

... he actually plays the 'seven nation army' riff by the white stripes!!! he plays the chords to it.

it could be possible that the guy saw let it be and the song came from that? i know its just a hunch but anything is possible!!! it wudnt suprose me

see for yourself, its the part where paul is playing 'long and winding road' jamican style. then they play a spanish song then john plays it at the end!

its mad!!!

[email protected]


hey there, the name of the song they were playing was called "besame mucho" i love pauls vocals on the song. Me myself as a 17 year old, have to say that you cant get any better than classic rock, and you know, everything is a copy nowadays. the first great ripoffers were led zeppelin, a good handful of their songs are indeed ripoffs from old blues songs, but you know, if u wann get into hard rock, then their the best to get into. any ways, next time i come across the oppurtunity to see let it be, i will be sure to watch for that, by the way, it'll be coming out on dvd in september.



Well, Considering that Let it be was recorded in 1969 I would say that the Whote Stripes Riped of the RifF!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I too thought the original post was saying that the Beatles ripped off the "White Stripes" but if you re-read it he is saying the opposite.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



"The Beatles couldn't have ripped off the White Stripes! Jack and Meg weren't even alive when this came out."

The poster isn't saying that the Beatles ripped them off. No one is that stupid...well, maybe G.W. Bush...

The Count

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 07



I had to read the first post at least three times BEFORE I actually caught the gist of what Liam (I think I spelled that right) was saying. And I'm not sure if it was just the way he/she typed it out of if he/she actually thinks that The Beatles ripped the White Stripes off. But if he/she's implying that the Beatles did infact rip The White Stripes off, then he/she needs to get his head check out.



John (talking to Ringo, whose hand is stuck in a mail box): What are you doing?
Ringo: "Posting a letter."

John: "How do you feel?"
Ringo: "I used to use me hands."
John: "He used to us his hands."


i wrote the orignal post,
obviosuly i meant that the white stripes copied the beatles riff ..... !
use ur brain!



ok il write coherently .....

you are a piece of un-educated trash who knows nothing about music and has replied to a debate from 3 months ago! Have u seen let it be??? if so what did u think about the riff???????

oh yeah and p.s U SUCK!



I completely agree with you about the Seven Nation Army thing. I watched Let It Be last Friday, and I instantly recognized the riff when John played it.


thank you!! thats all i was looking for, someone's opinion about the riff



I never noticed, but I'm gonna watch it tomorrow probably.

EDIT: I watched yesterday, and it was there! awesome! thanks for pointing it out, never noticed before.

Sunday morning is everyday for all I care


obviously people here can't read...

here is the original question

"it could be possible that the guy saw let it be and the song came from that? i know its just a hunch but anything is possible!!! it wudnt suprose me "

what is so hard to figure out what he is asking. how does anyone get that he is asking if the beatles ripped of the White stripes.... I read it once, just once before I read everyone elses reply and I understood what he was asking.




Haha I can't believe you guys talked so much about what the title of the thread actually meant, when it's FAIRLY *beep* OBVIOUS

What has humanity come to :P
