MovieChat Forums > Il conformista (1971) Discussion > New Print showing in SF = DVD release so...

New Print showing in SF = DVD release soon?

Anyone know if this is going to be out on DVD soon? It's playing through Tues. at The Castro, apparently it is the Italian version (115 min.) w/ English subtitles, restored by Vittorio Storaro (the cinematographer). I've been avoiding The Castro Theater since they fired their programmer (I even missed Burnt! which I really wanted to see), however I think I'm going to break my boycott for this film. Here's the announcement:


You probably should have gone to "Burn!" as that was one of the last films programmed by the old programmer before she was replaced (yes, it screened after the firing, but a huge turnout would have been a good way to show the owners how wrong they'd been). I went to "the Conformist" (on a comp.) and there was hardly anyone there at the showing I was at. I've theorized that a big reason for the lack of this film on DVD is that the prints still get strong rental fees, and that as long as it's still making the rounds on celluloid, Bertolucci would prefer not to have compromised versions for TV. So if we all refuse to pay for tickets to see the film in revival houses, we might see a DVD finally arrive. Twisted logic, and quite probably wrong, but I can't help wondering...


The Wall Street Journal ($ub$cription req'd) released a story Paramount will speed up DVD releases. The link above discusses the story and mostly applies to T.V. shows on DVD. Let's be hopeful The Conformist will be released too.

Check out a Vittorio Storaro interview:

See a clip:
