My Dad's business can be seen in this movie!
Part of this rather lame Charles Bronson movie was filmed on St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where my Dad owned and operated a tour boat business from the mid-1960's to the mid-1980's.
The scenes on St. Thomas involved a schizophrenically-edited car chase in which the cars suddenly and illogically jumped back and forth all over the island. The cars would turn a corner in downtown Charlotte Amalie, then emerge at the opposite end of the island, then just as quickly appear in another location, miles from they'd just been onscreen a second before.
Part of the chase scene follows the cars right past the ticket booth of my Dad's boat business (Captain Cook's Glass Bottom Boat Harbor Cruises) on the St. Thomas waterfront. If I remember correctly, the rather startled ticket seller in the booth, and maybe a tourist standing alongside, whip their heads around to follow the cars, which are headed westbound (right to left onscreen) on the waterfront road.
The ticket booth is only in the shot for a second, but I'm sure it could be freeze-framed on a DVD.