MovieChat Forums > Catch-22 (1970) Discussion > I think I'm most upset...

I think I'm most upset...

that they missed out the scene where Yossarian is in hospital because of the wound to his thigh with Dunbar. In my opinion it's the funniest part of the book.
Really I wanted to see Yossarian to tell Nurse Cramer to "screw" and for Nurse Duckett to take him to bed by his ear, and for the fish dreams, but most of all for Major Sanderson to be there asking Yossarian if he's man enough to take it and Yossarian replying:
"God no! I'll go right to pieces."

They really should've included that line.


i'm pretty bummed that they left out the whole concept of dunbar. the thought of a guy that tries his best to be bored so his life will seem longer just about kills me. also when i was reading the book, dunbar really seemed to me as the only character (other than tappman)that yossarian really had an understanding with, a connection.


"dunbar really seemed to me as the only character (other than tappman)that yossarian really had an understanding with, a connection. "

YES! I agree totally. It really upsets me they leave him out.


He seemed to connect fairly well with Luciana.


He got dissapeared.


haha! I loved that part, ndbarrett63!

"What are you talking about!? It's not even gramatically correct!"


I was dying to see Dunbar in the flesh but I read in the Trivia that Paul Simon was supposed to be in the film but they wrote out his part (because of the whole Simon/Garfunkel row??). Maybe he was supposed to play Dunbar and at that stage it was easier to write him out than replace him.

Nobody tosses a dwarf!


Speaking of great chapters they left out, what about the Soldier who saw everything twice, Yo Yo's roomies, and the scenes with Chief White Halftoat. The Alan Arkin movie wasn't funny enough, and these are the reasons why.


The Yo-Yo's roomies thing is hilarious. Giving Yossarian that nickname is just so absurd. It's funny how some of the other dim-witted characters start calling him that, as if that had been his name all along. You can just see Yossarian's world-weary and annoyed expression as he takes in these naive frat guys.

"I guess I started smoking when I was about...four."


I did enjoy the movie a lot but there were many side-splitting scenes from the book that would have transferred so well to screen. An appearance by Scheisskopf or the psychiatrist would have been fantastic.
I was also disappointed by the non-appearance of Huple, who actually plays quite a pivtotal role in the main Yossarian-Snowden narrative.
