
No word on an actual remake, I really just wanted people's opinions. Anyone think they should remake Catch-22?

I watched the movie last night, and I finished the book two nights ago. I was fairly disappointed. The scenes that they did do were really good. It just seemed to me as if they picked out a bunch of random scenes from the book and said, "Film it." Without any thought as to order.

Now I'm aware that the book is out of order...but the line has to be drawn somewhere.

I vote for a remake with Edward Norton as Aram Yossarian. He'd be perfect. I know people are going to hate me for making this statement, but yes; he'd be perfect because of Fight Club.

Catch-22 was the Fight Club of the 50's, and the Hitchhiker's Guide of the 50's. Fight Club was the only move that ever did total justice to the book.

Either way: Catch-22 remake with Edward Norton is what should be done.

"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."



Come on, don't be so ignorant. John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake of The Thing From Another World, and it was infintely better as a remake. This is an awesome movie, but a remake wouldn't hurt if done the correct way.

And besides, have you seen every single remake? If not, then you cannot make such a statement with any amount of accuracy.

"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."


No word on an actual remake, I really just wanted people's opinions. Anyone think they should remake Catch-22?

Since there hasn't been a good film adaptation of this one and I'd like there to be, I'd say yes, the novel should be adapted again.
IndridCold Now I'm aware that the book is out of order...but the line has to be drawn somewhere.

I don't get this. Remake of the book is out of order, rewrite of the book, what? A sequal? Joseph Heller already wrote one: Closing Time.
Catch-22 was the Fight Club of the 50's, and the Hitchhiker's Guide of the 50's. Fight Club was the only move that ever did total justice to the book.

There are plenty, or at least some, films that do justice to the books. Kubrick only did adaptation from books and most notably 2001. Also Hitchcock and Welles did a lot of adaptation. I haven't read all the books they adapted, but I'd Imagine some of the films match the book. Also Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility and a few mini-series.. (Edit: Wizard of Oz and the Godfather) I'm sure I forgot something.. Rarely they do total justice, but pretty close.
all remakes suck, this was awesome movie: end of story.

Are you really that dumb?If I say all adaptations suck, no book should be adapted: end of story. I'd be just as stupid.


Well, adaptation would be preferable, but 'stupid' might be a tad harsh.


First of all, Catch-22 was written in the '60s and the movie released in 1970 so the 1950s have nothing to do with it.

Second, the character's name is *John* Yossarian.

Third, this book and movie are nothing like either Fight Club or Hitchhiker's Guide, and while Edward Norton is a fantastic actor, I can't say he'd be my first choice for the lead by a long shot.


Catch-22 was written in the fifites. And on the cover of the DVD his nametag says Aram Yossarian.

"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."


I don't know, I don't think it would be a good idea at all.

"This is Fu Manchu. Once again the world is at my mercy."


His name is still John. Thats what they call him in the novel.


That's a mistake on the artistic side. His name is John in both the novel and the film. Catch-22 was set in the forties, released in the early sixties, and the film was made during the seventies. While it may have been written in the fifties, it doesn't make sense that it's the Fight Club of the fifties since it wasn't released until the sixties, and therefore could not have had any social impact until it was released.


I don't think they should remake it.
I realise the Catch-22 movie wasn't perfect and had a lot of differences to the book, but they didn't ruin it for me and it still felt like "Catch-22". I'm too worried that a remake would easily ruin the book
Edward Norton might make a good Yossarian but I really wouldn't compare it to Fight Club, or say that he'd be good because of Fight Club.
Alan Arkin was perfect.


Hollywood is producing remakes of everything else, why should they skip this one?

Waffles Anyone



If they remake it they should make an adaptation and set it around the Iraq war. eg. a national guard unit on constant rotation.



I wouldn't go so far as to say "all remakes suck". But it's fair to say that all remakes in the 90's - 2000's suck. Maybe we'll have to wait a few decades for today's so-called producers, writers and directors to retire or die. Maybe later a fresh generation of moviemakers will come and remember that remaking should mean better adaptation and working on the deficiencies of the predecessing movie. Not a shallow, totally insignificant copy, starring the most idiot celebrity faces of the period.

A remake should be considered only if the predecessing movie has wasted a good script, plot, or talent. A remake should be an improvement.. How many "better" remakes have you seen lately? In the last 10 years? One or two, at most.

Never be complete.


Well, the great stunt pilot Frank Tallman is gone. He was responsible for getting together the planes used, training the crews, and coordinating the flight sequences. His book Flying the Old Planes (10 copies available on chronicles the B-25 and some of the filming of Catch 22. There was originally a call for 36 B-25 Mitchells, but the budget only allowed for half that. Just think, there would be another 18 of these old planes restored and flying had the budget been there for them. Now they can use CGI and have as many as they want on the screen, but there's nothing like the real thing in the sky.


I certainly would not mind a remake if it was more faithfull to the book. But i cant see it happening as young folk today are so dumb they wouldnt get it. And those glorious, long, long, long sweeping shots wouuld be replaced by quick MTV style edit cuts & probably heavy metal music.

But, if Tarantino wanted to have a go at it, i'd be all for it.
