What SFX did they use back in 1970 to achieve this amazing shot?
There's an unforgettable scene in Mike Nichol's Catch 22 involving a crazy pilot flying a light aircraft above all the other characters relaxing on the beach below. The same mad pilot flys into an innocent soldier stood on a harbor and cuts him clean in two before crashing.
I have never forgotten this scene after seeing it on TV as a young kid because of it's scarily realistic depiction of someone being sliced in two by an airplane's wing.
What made this especially memorable was seeing the poor bystander divided in 2 -in a flash you see the the plane's wing take the top of his body off, then a big spray of blood, followed by the remaining bottom half of his torso stay intact and rigid for a second before his knees buckle and he topples into the sea.
This wasn't just some fake human sized dummy that got used - you see the remaining lower half of the torso's legs bend and buckle incredibly realistically in those pre CGI days before he collapses into the ocean.
So how did they achieve this back in 1970? Anyone know ?