//Spoilers abound//
Corgi: You call Megawhatever out on the "hussarian" issue, then pronounce Chief White Half FOAT?!
Everybody: Q. What happened to Chief White Halfoat?
A. He died of pneumonia, just like he decided to do.
Hungry Joe -- Huple's cat in the book, McWatt in the movie
Major ___de Coverly -- The chow hall gave him eat, Milo gave him a see-through eyepatch, and then he was disappeared somehow.
McWatt -- He was kind of skimmed over in the book as well. Yossarian didn't really have anything against him, because when he would yell to McWatt to turn, climb, speed up, whatever -- he'd do it. When you're part of a hard crew like that, the pilot kind of becomes like a big brother to the rest of the crew in that whatever happens you can kind of still turn to him/her.
Dunbar -- dude from another squadron, I mean Yossarian barely ever met up with him except in the hospital. It's understandably hard to keep up with folks under those circumstances, especially when they're getting disappeared as well.
Chaplain A.T. Tappman -- yearning for you tragically. Yeah, as a movie character we didn't see him much, but COME ON -- Tony Perkins: Norman!!!
Whitcomb -- oh who cares
Ex P.F.C. Wintergreen: Now THERE'S somebody who should've shown up. As far as the book goes, he was kind of the brains of the whole thing, ingratiating himself with officers and influencing policy. Also informing commanders when their prose is too prolix.
"Every boy's best friend is his mother..."