MovieChat Forums > Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) Discussion > Time dilation: can someone explain it?

Time dilation: can someone explain it?

I actually used to get it, and it was when I first saw Flight Of The Navigator, as I think it was explained in a very easy and short way. However, even reading the plot and explanation on wiki, I can't seem to get it. Why does time go by slow for those on the ship than those on earth?


Supposedly, within a gravitational field, such as on Earth, time moves slower than an object away from gravitational forces, such as a ship. And the faster the object is moving (and Taylor's ship was near the speed of light), the more time elapses in relation to time on Earth. Einstein. theorized all of this over a century ago, and he's been proven right.



Thanks, but that's the explanation I had already read on wiki.
I am sure that I had understood it years ago.
Is it possible to explain it without involving the gravity factor?
Because it sounds just too abstract to understand it. I am really sure there was a way to explain it even to a kid and make it click. Because to know what it means is one thing, but to understand it and find it logical, that it makes sense, is another.


Is it possible to explain it without involving the gravity factor?



Hmmm. Is there way to explain it to a stupid person? lol, maybe I'll get it then. Cause I'm so sure I got it while watching Navigator :)


Is there way to explain it to a stupid person?

No, but you're not stupid.


Thank you for that :)
I just watched Battle, and Virgin's explanation while in the Archives maybe made me remember how I understood the theory. Although that simply has to do with beating the speed of light.


The easiest way to explain something to a stupid person is to say its a plot hole. Hope this helps


I'll turn this one over to Carl Sagan:


Cool vid, reminds me of my childhood when I watched it when it was new.
Another interesting page to read is

Someone else mentioned time dilation from gravity, that's extremely tiny on Earth, or even the Sun, to have a serious effect you'd have to travel to a black hole.
Time dilation and length contraction from velocity is a lot easier to "do".


by dollvalley ยป Sat Jan 17 2015 17:50:15
IMDb member since July 2005
I actually used to get it, and it was when I first saw Flight Of The Navigator, as I think it was explained in a very easy and short way. However, even reading the plot and explanation on wiki, I can't seem to get it. Why does time go by slow for those on the ship than those on earth?

In lay speak your compressing the space in front of your and stretching the space behind you to the point where your physical existence is "stretched" and "compressed" as well, which means that time is also likewise deformed.


No one can because its a plot hole


Millsey, much as I have stopped responding to your trollish plot holes, I couldn't resist this one. Physics is not a plot hole.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)
