I love all of the late 60s/early 70s PoTA films BUT if forced to pick a least favourite - it would have to be THIS film.
The telepathic mutants were way too silly and seemed out of place in this series.
That said, I do admire how bleak this films is. In fact, how on earth did a film like this get a G rating? I originally watched this when I was nine and I had a lot of trouble sleeping.
I feel exactly the opposite. Escape is by far and away the worst sequel and honestly I have no idea why its so popular?
Its like a corny Disney movie with its lame comedy, its plot makes no sense and completely contradicts the first two movies. The whole point of the first apes film is that they always believed that they were the only race capable of speech. That's the whole point of the cave and the doll. Now however according to Escape they celebrated overthrowing mankind? Also the Cat's and Dogs bonfire is just so stupid.
Zira meanwhile is annoying the way she is so thick and holier than thou about humans considering how sh!t the apes were to each other and the third film is full of Hippie crap of man is so much more evil than animals. Khan's speech about how if it is man's destiny to be dominated let him be dominated by someone as wonderful as you makes me sick.
The great thing about the first film was that the Apes were just as bad as us. That was the point all intelligent creatures are sadly capable of the evil we are.
A higher intelligence and awareness of who you are goes hand in hand with irrational emotions, a fear of death and an attempt to delude yourself that there is an afterlife, that you are special, gods chosen race, and thus there is a fear of finding out the truth that you are just another animal which is why Cornelius and Zira and Taylor have no chance against the irrational Orangutans.
The second movie continued this theme. The Apes and the human survivors are both just as twisted as each other.
I love the scenes of the Apes in the city it shows you how disgusting they are when they are smashing the humans statues and Doctor Zaius says they are obscene. They can't stand the idea of another culture existing because it challenges their idea of them being gods chosen race. I also love the "you're god didn't save you" again shows how disgusted they are at the idea of another culture having a god like theirs.
And yes the ending is sensational. I'd argue its even more sensational than the first one. The first one is the more iconic yes, but still this is just so bleak. Brent being machine gunned, Taylor deciding to kill everyone. Its fabulous and very underrated.
IMO this is the best sequel after the first one, followed by 5 which again ditches the tree hugging hippie crap of animals are so much better than us and shows the apes being just as twisted as we are when Adu murders an innocent child ape for his own plans. Its great when Cesar goes on about humans being violent and then that Orangutan points out that Adu wasn't a human.
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basically no charlton heston, no rod serling, and pretty much a remake of the first but without the shocker ofcourse. one part i liked was finding out who was behind one of the ape makeups realising it was the actor from key largo and the twilight zone episode dust. how they got heston to appear in this and how it got a sequel is a mystery to me, considering the special effects i'm guessing they spent most of the budget on hestons small part. the title really says everything.
you dont play fair, using the power of your female charm to get you anywhere, made me play to your tune, using me as a tool, to put you in reign, i went blind like looking into the sun, as kinky you were playing it cool i couldnt explain what you had done.