MovieChat Forums > The Odd Couple (1970) Discussion > Questions about "Two On The Aisle"

Questions about "Two On The Aisle"

I'm watching "Two On The Aisle" for the first time in a bazillion years, and some pressing issues are troubling me.

1) There is a short montage of street shots showing Felix going to the theatre. In three different shots, he is seen coming and going to the theatre with three different women. And none of them are Miriam! What was up with *that*!?

2) Myrna appears as Oscar's secretary in this episode, season 5 number episode 14. But in season 5 episode 1, didn't Myrna quit Oscar when she married Sheldn?


To answer part 1, we know Felix wasn't very faithful. In the rent strike episode he came home with that big hickey on his neck, and started to confess to Miriam saying "A man has needs!". So my guess is he liked to play the field.

For #2 I'm not sure. Oscar had Tina working for him in the Big Broadcast epside which was before Two on the Aisle. and when Felix asked where Myrna was she said something about Myrna being away (Possibly on her honeymoon?) I can't remember the exact dialogue.

Nice girls don't wear cha cha heels!


Re part 1: Well, you're right, but still. With the hickey episode, we get the sense that this was a very rare, unusual event, and what's more it happened out of town. Notice how keen Oscar is to hear the details! This is a very different situation than what is implied in the montage I referenced, where it seems like he's routinely out with a different girl every night...

Re part 2: Yes, I remember the Big Broadcast thing. And tonight, I just watched the one with Grandma Fleener, and in it Tina is *back* as the secretary, and nothing is said about it. Of course, Myrna wouldn't have worked for that episode, because she wouldn't have known where the hip young folks hang out...


This is a very different situation than what is implied in the montage I referenced, where it seems like he's routinely out with a different girl every night...

That's true. Not sure what to make of it. I'm guessing the writer's didn't expect anyone to put this much thought into it.

Of course, Myrna wouldn't have worked for that episode, because she wouldn't have known where the hip young folks hang out...

Agreed, Myrna probably wouldn't have gone to the Electric Eggplant. That's one of my favorite episodes. "Felix, I'm not gonna wake up in the middle of the night to keep a date with three bald girls"

Nice girls don't wear cha cha heels!


And yet the *best* part of the episode is the very end, when Felix says "It's 2 o'clock! Time to go to the party!" and Oscar is totally on board and starts getting up! :)


This is one of the funniest episodes, Dr. Unger!


This is one of the funniest episodes, Dr. Unger!


Up until now you've been embarrassed of me?

I think that ABC probably ran the episodes in the wrong order. The Odd Couple series wasn't known for its time consistencies. Felix and Oscar met in the Army, no on a jury, no as children, etc.


The Odd Couple series wasn't known for its time consistencies. Felix and Oscar met in the Army, no on a jury, no as children, etc.

lol this is so true. Probably one of the worst shows for continuity. But still one of my top three sitcoms of all time.

You're cruisin' for a beatin', Wheaton!
