Anyone Else Confused About Babe Ruth and the Kid?
In the episode telling the story of Babe Ruth and the Kid on the radio, Felix makes up a fake ending that the kid was dying when penicillin was discovered and saved him. Numerous listeners called in to say he got the story wrong, but the episode never told the actual story (unless it was cut from the version I saw). Presumably they either figured it was so famous everyone knew it, or it didn't matter. I asked my mom, but not being a sports fan she didn't know the details.
For decades I assumed the kid was deathly ill and actually passed away despite the Babe's promise to knock a homer for him if he got well. Felix just wanted to tack an upbeat ending on the sorry story so moved the invention of penicillin to a bit earlier in history. This shows exactly the morbid turn of my childhood imagination (which incidentally has changed relatively little).
Thank God for the internet!
Here is the original thread which answered years of wondering:
Here is just one source on the real story!
When I learned the details, lo, many years later, I had to wonder, if the kid didn't die, why did Felix invent a fake ending? I must conclude that he believed kids should have faith in science rather than rely on hero worship of celebrities. What do others think?