R.I.P. Jack Klugman

His son Adam made the announcement today.

Thanks for the memories.


Wow...this is the first I'm hearing of it. Grew up watching him on Quincy, M.E. and The Odd Couple.



He will be missed.Thankfully we can still enjoy his work.


I grew up watching the first run episodes of The Odd Couple on Friday nights on ABC. It was my favorite comedy then, and it's still among my all time favorites. Randall and Klugman were great in their roles. With Jack Klugman now passing away, it's the end of an era. I'm happy to own all five seasons on DVD.

RIP Jack, you'll be missed.


Garry Walberg passed away on March 27, 2012 from chronic pulmonary disease at 90 years old. Walberg played Oscar's poker buddy Homer "Speed" Deegan. Walberg also worked with Jack Klugman on the show "Quincy, M.E." as LAPD Homicide Lt. Frank Monahan.


Al Molinaro passed away in a Glendale, California hospital on October 30, 2015 at the age of 96. He is survived by his wife Betty, son Michael and three grandchildren. Molinaro's son said his father's death was the result of complications from an infected gall bladder. Molinaro played played Oscar and Felix's poker buddy, police officer Murray Greshler. He was best known for portraying Al Delvecchio on "Happy Days".

Yup yup yup yup. Yup yup yup yup.
