Courtroom Scenes
I've always been particularly fond of the court room scenes. They're very funny, very well written and performed with great comic "panache"! I've always loved the scene where Oscar, so enraged after being humiliated by Felix just gathers up all the papers on the desk and flings them all over the place in a fit of rage. I laugh out loud every time I see it.
Some classic dialog and lines:
Mr. Madison, now will you please tell the court why there was an extra ticket!
Can I object?
Because I couldn't get a date.
Louder please!
Because I couldn't get a date!
And how hard did you try?
How many girls did you call?
When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME!
Sew buttons!
The famed Fondue fork!
On and on classics! Anyone elses favs?