Our Fathers

I didn't know Tony Randall wore a toupee. I knew Jack Klugman did, cause he never wore it on talk show appearacnes. It was funny seeing Tony Randall in this episode not wearing his. Show you how dumb I was, I always thought that was his real hair. Now I'm going on record and saying that Tony Randall had the best toupee in Hollywood.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


Same here! They seemed to keep the same style through the entire series, so it never really came into play.


Are you sure either of them needed a toupee at that time? I don't remember Klugman showing baldness on game shows. He did his share of them in the later 70s.


Klugman did the Merv Griffin show every other month, he never wore a hairpiece. Jack had that god awful comb over.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


Jack Klugman was balding as far back as the late 50's. If you watch any of his old Twilight Zone or Naked City appearances you will see how thin his hair was.
