Barefoot Stewardess Caper
OOPS-I/they need to change the title to "Flight Attendants." I remember watching this episode in Canada in 1974 while on Vacation with my late parents. It was a several year old rerun by this time. Chief Clifford threatened to but McCloud in the Bastille-lol. Definitely an Inspector Clousseau/Dreyfus Dynamic between those two. SPOILERS...
Sam's Squeeze gets thrown off the Balcony and he tells the Bad Guy "I'm gonna NAIL you, Alex!" When Alex gets rough he lands a haymaker on his jaw.
For ME, this was significant for several reasons. A Bully named Alex gave me a hard time in School. There are a LOT of evil Alexes in the World. McCloud was a Man's man who could take care of himself. Also, when Clifford covers up for McCloud my late Father said "you SEE, Son, that was a Coverup!"
We were watching this episode in August-a few days before Nixon resigned. Covering up is a way of Life in most organizations.