MovieChat Forums > McCloud (1970) Discussion > Dennis Weaver Singing, OUCH!!!

Dennis Weaver Singing, OUCH!!!

Watching "Give My Regrets to Broadway" (1972) and Weaver is singing a Country and Western chart. All I can say is I hope he got a little extra money for embarrassing the hell out of himself. He makes William Shatner look like Frank Sinatra. I love the show and Dennis Weaver, but this song was Hall of Fame bad.


It certainly wasn't Don't Give Up On Us Baby


A David Soul reference, nice. Very, very nice!


Dennis Weaver was a horrible actor, and a worse singer.


"Dennis Weaver was a horrible actor, and a worse singer."

Troll, moron, or both? My money is on both.


I hope he got a little extra money for embarrassing the hell out of himself.

Chester's songs from Gunsmoke probably made any further embarrassment impossible.


Man, just caught that "Regrets" episode last night. I see what you mean. I had assumed you were talking about the McCloud character singing something like he does on Gunsmoke.


He also sings in "the Moscow Connection" when the Russian guy forces him to because he doesn't believe the cover story. He does a song about a cop getting rich off traffic tickets... it's like a sing/talk kind of thing. Not that bad if not that good either. It's a later episode so maybe he got some good advice by then to limit his attempts at singing. They also cut away pretty quickly to what is happening to the chief and it goes into the background a while then it comes back for the end. It also didn't have that way overproduced sound you usually get.... now I want to see the other show to see how bad that one is!!


Ouch! is sooo right! Rofl!

I know I'm 9 years late...but I just saw the episode for the first time and was compelled to comment.
