Help with theme song...

I'm starting to doubt my memory on the theme song's final iteration and hoping someone here can help me... Am I nuts or didn't the iconic refrain and last line ultimately end up as "Looks like you've made it after all..." ?

I've looked through the topics on this board, and the FAQ and Trivia sections as well. I've Googled for an answer. And I've played about a dozen YouTube videos.

According to the various YouTube videos of the opening theme, the show's first season had: "You might just make it after all."

Then, it's changed to: "You're gonna make it after all." (Even a couple videos claiming to be recordings of the final season's opening feature this version.)

But I'd almost swear I've heard it sung as "Looks like you've made it after all." Or am I cracking up over here?

Quid novi? Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas?



I have watched shows from every season, and I remember the change from "You might just make it after all" to "You're gonna make it after all," but I never heard "Looks like you've made it after all." That would certainly be more grammatical than the revised lyric, but it wouldn't have had the impact because it would be looking back, not ahead.

But in a related matter, even though I know the earlier line is "With each glance and every movement you show it," I have always heard "With each glass," which provides a much different image! This has been the case each of the hundreds of times I've heard the opening theme.


No, they never sang "looks like...." But they should've for the final season.

LBJ's mistress tells all:;


Yes, it would have been perfect for the series finale, particularly if Helen Reddy sang it. ;-)


Maybe the O.P. is mixing things up with Barry Manilow's "Look's Like We Made It"?


The voices are similar, but there's no "after all" in Barry Manilow's song.

