Season 7

What a great series, but to me, season 7 is breathtaking. Every episode, they hit it out of the park.

Ted's Change of Heart
The Critic
Mary's Insomnia
Ted's Temptation

To name just a few. These episodes are flawless, brilliant comedy.

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan


I will have to disagree with you here. The Last Show was brilliant. (You forgot to mention this one).
There were some serious CLUNKERS here: I ABSOLUTELY HATED Lou Dates Mary. I know, I know a lot of the fans LOVE this one but I am the odd person out. I also hated Mary's Insomnia. I just did not think it was funny and I don;t like when sit-coms tackle "issues" much. That's just me. I did like seeing Mary's large bathroom however.
Other clunkers: Mary's Big Party (greatest hits episode) Mary's Three Husbands (liked it way back when-now , not so much), Mary Dates Murray's Father, Lou's Army Reunion, Mary Gets a Lawyer, My Son the Genius, Mary the Writer, What's Wrong with Swimming. I used to LOVE Sue Ann's Sister but time has not been kind to it and it seems contrived. Seems like Ted's Temptation is a knock off of I Love A Piano with Murray in the same role.

Bright spots this last season: Sue Ann Gets the Ax, The Ted and Georgette Show, Murray Can't Loose, Mary Midwife and Murray Ghosts for Ted.

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


No problem, different strokes. Most of the episodes you listed as not liking, I absolutely love.

I understand and accept your reasons, but I still love them.

But like you, I didn't love: Mary's Big Party, Mary Dates Murray's Father, Lou's Army Reunion. Although I did like them.

In Mary's Insomnia, didn't you at least love the bathroom scene? I thought that was a classic. "Don't worry, Mary, this will only take an hour."

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan
