Quiz Master

I think Ted should have taken the job.

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan


I hate how Lou so adamantly talked him out of the job. Very selfish on his part.


Ted could have pointed out to Lou that Hugh Downs, Mike Wallace and Walter Chronkite ALL had been game show hosts during their careers.


Lou was a news man whose background was in newspapers. The news was (somewhat) sacred to him. He already had a hard enough time accepting Ted. For the anchor of his show to become a game show host would have been unthinkable to him, IMO.

I don't think Lou Grant would care for the current style of chit/chatty anchor desks, which started in force around the time this show went off the air.

Remember, it didn't take much for us to accept the Lou Grant character in a drama. Asner didn't have to change the character much to make the move.
