Most hated character?

Joanne Forbes, the lady that accidentally hit Mary's car, developing into a brief friendship. It's similar to "The Golden Girls" episode with Barbara Thorndyke, although Janne didn't always exhibit a snobbish personality. It made me proud of Mary when she tests Joanne by telling her she's Jewish to see her reaction. Joanne's reaction says it all to Mary, being the nice person she is, yet wisely ends the friendship fast.

And, Mary wasn't looking to butter up to Rhoda being she never told her about this.


It's so strange that Mary Frann played such an unlikable character. From everything I have read about her, Miss Frann was a lovely person.

Joanne was a snob and a bigot. I think Rhoda understood what was going on in Joanne's head but didn't press the issue. I like the way Mary swallowed her pride and went to Rhoda to make up.

Rhoda didn't make a big deal out of it. Mary asked her why she didn't chastise her. Rhoda got the last laugh when she told Mary that she considered saying something negative but she knew it would bug Mary more,"...if I didn't."

Clever girl.


Although not a favorite episode on mine (it's really NOT that funny) - the TITLE of the episode is one of my favorite MTM show titles:
"Some of My Best Friends are ... Rhoda".

P.S. The audience was probably waiting for Mary to chew-out Joanne in the final act (I was) and that never happened.
Great pun!

"The ENEMY of my ENEMY is my FRIEND"


It's so strange that Mary Frann played such an unlikable character. From everything I have read about her, Miss Frann was a lovely person.
what do you mean, strange?. She was an actress.


Okay maybe strange was not the right word. Of course she was an actress. I used to watch her on Days of our Lives and she played one messed up character on that show.

I just meant that for me, from what I read about her, and later on how sweet her character was on Newhart, it seems "strange" to see her as such an unlikable person. She did a good job though.


Her character wasn't that far removed from Newhart's Joanna; just tweaked a bit to give that impression ,along with the nature of the lines. That's more what I meant, that she was still sweet on the outside, not on the inside.


Oh, okay. What I really remember from that episode is that it was the first time I was aware that Rhoda was Jewish! I had no idea.

When Mary called her on her anti-Semitic attitude, I thought,"How were we supposed to know Rhoda was Jewish? What was the big deal?"

I remember asking my mom about it and she pointed out that we had Jewish neighbors at a few different places where we lived. I didn't know that. I just hung out at their houses and my mom never said that they were "our Jewish neighbors." I guess I was living in a bubble. I didn't get what Joanne's problem was. I just thought she was one of those immature adolescent types who just wanted to hang out with her new pal Mary and exclude other people. My first brush with anti-Semitism I guess.


Well, the name "Morganstern" is certainly Jewish.
And Ida was the stereotype of the Jewish mother.

Also, Rhoda's wisecracks had a Henny Youngman/Rodney Dangerfield feel to them.
I bet that if Rhoda had done stand-up, she would have been as successful as Sandra Bernhard.


If there was any doubt, Rhoda was clearly established as Jewish by the 14th episode of the series, "Christmas and the Hard Luck Kid II" (and possibly earlier).

There's a very funny bit where Mary, Rhoda and Phyllis are standing in front of Mary's Christmas Tree. Phyllis says, "I guess I'm just a Christmas nut! I'm sure you feel the same way about Chanukah, Rhoda" (pointedly stressing and pronouncing the first two letters, the Hebrew letter "chet"(ח), like the "ch" in "Bach").

Rhoda responds by pronouncing the "Ch" in both Chanukah and Christmas the same way that Phyllis did, "Oh sure, Chanukah, Christmas, it's all the same!"


My most hated characters:

1. I couldn't stand Mary's Aunt Flo, to the extent that I sometimes skip episodes with her in it.

2. Little Stevie.

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan


Little Stevie was an annoying little bitch. I thought it was hilariously realistic how they would pit the genuinely good Mary against such a monster and then make it be such a hilariously awkward moment for her.

I can see why Aunt Flo would get on some people's nerves, but I liked her.

For some reason, I kind of did not like Dan, the English professor. Though he was handsome.


I can't really stand Georgette much.


Georgette is a total sweetie pie.


Easy.. the child actor.. Bess. Cloris' daughter brought nothing to the role. Not really her fault. This was before the days of Dakota Fanning, Abigail Breslin, Ellen Page. I think any kid that could remember her lines was drafted. But you sure couldn't say "the camera loved her."


Sue Ann Niven and to this day, Betty White.
