Mary Midwife

Such an amazing episode. Many shows have done the 'going into labor and can't get to the hospital' episodes, but this was probably the best I've seen.

I love:

- the whole B story of Mary and Lou arguing over his eating habits and him being offended that Mary is calling him fat.

- Another bad party at Mary's place

- Ted wobbling into the bedroom to be with Georgette and Lou carrying him out later

- Lou tells Mary he needs help and, panicking, she says 'you're not fat'

- Sue Ann pointing out that Georgette giving birth is probably the most exciting thing that will ever happen in Mary's bedroom.


I really disliked this episode.


I haven't seen this one. And I've seen the reruns of this sitcom and it's generally enjoyable.

But some pandering episode about a pregnant woman and the star being forced to deliver the baby? I'll pass, sounds smarmy as fuck.


Many shows have done the 'going into labor and can't get to the hospital' episodes, but this was probably the best I've seen.

Which makes two such episodes that Ms. Moore starred in -- with the first one being Richie's birth on the Dick Van Dyke Show. Both were really well done, albeit different.
