kim darby

i think karen carpenter would have been much better in this. anyone agree?

Kim Darby really didn't bring justic to the part and wasn't great on the eye either - she had a "Beatles" haircut which was downright awful, although to be honest the character was extremley annoying but there you go. Ridculious character!

Top-notch film tho.


Karen Carpenter? A stiff breeze would have blown her off the horse!


When would a 14 year old running a 19th century farm almost single handed have the time to gussy herself up?


When did Karen Carpenter ever act? Kim Darby had been acting for years before this film. Karen was a drummer and singer.



I would have really enjoyed seeing Karen Carpenter as Mattie Ross , but Kim did a good job.


This is top notch trolling right here.


I read the book, and Kim Darby totally captures the Mattie Ross of the book! Same speech pattern, same odd combination of accountantcy and courage, same sense of someone completely stepping out of their appointed role in life. She was awesome!

Except for the haircut, which was the one anachronism in the movie. She didn't look like a girl who was trying to be boyish, or even someone who'd had their hair cut off to break a fever (real folk remedy) or to get rid of lice, because neither boy's haircuts nor medical haircuts were that neatly layered and groomed. No, she looked like a modern actress who couldn't be arsed to wear a wig, and it's the one thing about the movie that gets under my nose.


Karen Carpenter? Why her? Well, at least they'd have saved some money on catering.


Nearly spat my coffee out.
