Podcast about Satyricon

The Projection Booth: Episode 180: Fellini Satyricon
Special Guest: John Baxter
Guest Co-Host: Jim Tushinski

Roman Month continues with the 1969 film, Fellini Satyricon. Based loosely on the remaining fragments of Petronius's voluminous work, the film is a series of vignettes about Encolpio (Martin Potter) and his friend Ascilto (Hiram Keller). The film mixes sex, philosophy, and death in the era of Nero.

Satyricon is one of the more fantastic and surreal of Fellini's films and one that definitely lives up to the term "Fellini-esque."

Available on iTunes, Stitcher, or via our website:
http://projection-booth.blogspot.com/2014/08/episode-180-fellini-satyr icon.html
