Looking for a quote

Hi, I'm trying to find out exactly what Ben says right before "Wanderin' Star." The line is something like "I'm on a long exodus from nowhere, and sometimes I get mighty homesick," but I'm not sure. It might be "long exodus to nowhere." I've looked all over the web and can't find the quote. Can somebody with the tape or DVD help me, please? Thanks


By a rare coincidence, I was watching this scene at the very moment I read your message. Here, direct from the DVD is the full scene leading up to "Wanderin' Star." It begins with the character who is not Ben -- sorry, wasn't watching closely enough to catch his name.

You movin’ out, Ben?


Me neither. I guess there’s two kinds in the world, Ben -- people who move, people who stay. Ain’t that true?

No, that ain’t true.

Well , what’s true?

Well, there’s two kinds of people, them goin’ somewhere and them goin’ no where. And that’s what true.

I don’t agree, Ben.

That’s cause you don’t know what the hell I’m talkin’ about. I’m an ex-citizen of nowhere. Sometimes I get mighty homesick.


Thanks for your help. I need to pick up that DVD, but it seems everytime I buy a movie on DVD, a better version comes out a few months later.


In this case, I wouldn't be too worried about a new version any time soon.


That's the quote. It sounds like "Exodus" when he says "ex-citizen," because they're almost phonetically identical, but it is ex-citizen.

"Terror with napalm- I want ya'll to STAY calm"


The Character Ben is talking to is Haywood Holbrook.
