'Hand me down that can of beans...'
One of the songs about throwing out a can of beans...why?
shareA song about someone who had a good day in the mines.
He struck it rich so he doesn't have to eat beans.
"Hand me down the can of beans, hand me down the can of beans,
hand me down the can of beans, I'm throwing it away.
Out the winder go the beans, out the winder go the beans
out the winder go the beans I had a lucky day."
I thought he was going out on a date, and didn't want the unpleasant side affects of eating beans around his lady friend...after I read the lyrics I realized they'd be too rich to it beans...like you said, thanks...
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band were the band at the mining camp dance, and they sang the first five verses on the soundtrack. Unfortunately, in the movie, the first verse is cut out altogether, and you have to really strain your ears to hear the second verse, because Ben and Pardner are talking over it. Certain lines still come through loud and clear, though. :-)
Jeff Hanna and John McEuen were in some of the crowd scenes, too. The camera pans to each of them for several seconds. If I remember right, Hanna's close-up comes when the miners are staring at Jacob's wife, Sara, and her baby, and McEuen's is when the whores have just arrived at the camp, and the miners are all ogling them. Note the dumbfounded expression on his face, and the big, poofy, Tom Jones sideburns. Man, it's a hoot. :-D I bet ol' John wishes he could burn every copy of this in existence.
"Nobody's gonna tell me how to think
Nobody's gonna use my blood for ink."---CGO.