Is This The Movie....?

Is This The Movie that Homer and Bart make fun of during that episode of The Simpsons when it was a musical and they started singing and crap throught the whole episode even though it was still funny as hell?




"I reckon it could use ... a coat of paint."
"Well, what are we waiting for?!?"


It's real? Oh, sweet zombie Jesus...


Its real but the scene you see in The Simpsons doesnt happen in the movie.


Okay my Nizzle!! Holla!!!!

"Y would ya say dat dawg. Jus cau u don't lizzike rap and shizzle doesn't mean u have ta cum here and saythat. I know what is u tryna do and u doesn't have to like rap but you don't have ta tizzalk about how som body else be talking my nizzle fo shisheese deezie cause dat's how's we's be's talk'n ssumtimes so whateva iz cleva dogg. U heeerd me playa." -midwesthug


Yeah this movie is for real! I thought the simpsons made it up just to be goofy. I laughed 15 minutes stright when i discoverd it was real


gonna paint yer wagon! gonna paint it fine! gonna use oil based paints! cause the wood is pine!

ponderoooosa pine oooh-oooh!


Ahahahaha! Give this man the $10,000!


The only thing The Simpsons really made fun of was the title. The scene they showed was unrelated to the actual plot of the film. They did show Lee Marvin, but the landscape was more like a traditional Western (which the real Paint Your Wagon wasn't).


"lee marvin is dreamy"

Goonies never say die!


Was there ever a song so badly sung but so wonderful too? Sheer magic! Never to be repeated in this life.



Best ever!!!!!!!!


lool man when i saw this ... i could not help but laugh!!

Red M&M Blue M&M ... They All Wind Up The Same In The End ... - Homer Simpson


"Eh, what the HELL is goin on in my town?"
"We're just paintin this here wagon, you gotta problem with that?"
"As matter of fact, I do... You missed a spot!"

LOL, I laughed so much when I watched the scene!


If you're talking about 'Wand'rin Star', as sung in the film
by Lee Marvin?....Yup! Couldn't Agree More!!!



It wasn't all that cool. The Simpsons weren't really doing anything but making fun of the title, plus it was a really weak episode of the Simpsons in other ways. Dumb plot, with very bad new music used to tie clips of songs from other episodes. They usually make their clip shows more entertaining than that one.


Just looked it up. This episode, "All singing, All dancing (clip show #4)" is from the 9th season. I will now make it one of my life's missions to get this on tape. Which charater says "lee marvin is dreamy" ?








