Showing on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) Wed Jan 3, 2007
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shareThree cheers to all of you who have made nice comments about this rather strange film in terms of making a "Musical/Comedy" in the days after any musical was considered to be "Passe." I loved my Iowa neighbor, Jean Seberg... in her brief career, particularly with this role in "Paint Your Wagon" plus her fine sweet role in the original Airport, and I thought that her role in Bonjour Tristesse was interesting. But it must have been "Hell On Earth" to be an enemy of that evil man for whom the F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington was named.
Hoover was worse than Joe McCarthy in terms of the lives that he destroyed as he blackmailed President after President just to maintain his status....I do know something about depression and the terrible things it can make a person do to themselves, but whether or not she was perhaps "misguided" (this should be your decision, and not some bureaucrat in high position) to stand with the Black Panther movement....the fact remains that Hoover also hated such as Martin Luther King and many others who strived to make this a better country in a time of Overwhelming Political Correctness! Please my associates at Imdb: don't allow those who would point their fingers at those who might disagree with their beliefs accuse others of witchcraft and more.