This film could be remade

Photographer Gordon Parks' directed The Learning Tree. It was his first film and it's a mixed bag. It's beautifully photographed. But some of the actors are terrible, because Parks was shooting on a budget and it was his first film, so he didn't get many good takes.
The book was much better, as were the characters who were developed more. I remember there was a lot more that happened in the book to Newt winger, his friends and his family that did not make it onto the screen version.
Hollywood seems only interested in making comedies for black audiences, but the Learning Tree is a drama about racial conflict and a black youth's coming of age that could be remade with a better cast and a better director.



the book was much better.the movie was good.I've watched it many times.but after reading the book,I see hoe much Mr.parks had to compromise.


Please no. I vision this as a Will Smith family project and that is something this movie does not need. It was a good movie for some of the reasons you mentioned. The acting. It made it much more authentic. This film does not need a remake.


I don't think Will Smith should touch this project either, marbleann! I like a lot of his films but I don't think this sensitive racially-themed drama would be a good choice for him/his kids.

But I do think this would make an EXCELLENT remake! With the right director (black or white), the proper actors and a strong script, this could be an Oscar contender, I believe.

I adore this film. My mother bought the VHS tape close to twenty years ago, and when I was a kid, I was constantly watching it. The storyline, the scenery and the characters entranced me. It really pulled me in to a different world.

But because it's so rare and hard to find, a lot of other kids of color will never know this amazing film. That's one of the reasons why a remake is needed.

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I think the issues are timeless and I believe what isn't broke don't fix. There seems to be a few people who do not think the original of a great film needs to remade. Why don't you think the film would not entrance people now like it did you? I think young people will enjoy the film the way it is. Remember when the film came out there were no stars in the movie. I do not see why all of a sudden it needs a update with new actors. The solution is not making another Learning Tree, the solution is to make it more available. Listen we had to read the book in school. And I did not go to a black school. I went to a mostly all white girls private school. Perhaps maybe it the teachers get these kids to read great contemporary books by African Americans like the great Gordan Parks perhaps people's interest in movies like these will grow.

But in today's brain dead environment if you do not have a big star in a movie and change the script forget about it. I actually think using well known faces might hurt the movie. I believe it is more believable and authentic with a a mostly unknown cast. I think if they remade it today they would mess the movie up even though it is based on someone life. I think it is a untouchable film which was directed by a person no director would dare touch, Gordon Parks, because they knew no one could do a better job It is like redoing the Godfather would you suggest that? Even though the Godfather is only 3years newer then this. Do You think Close Encounters or Casablanca needs to redone? These movies are works of art. Would you suggest redoing a Picasso or a Degas? So why are great works of art which are movies open season.


If it's remade, it has to be an independent film. No major players like Will Smith or Tyler Perry. Most Black people I know have never seen or heard of the film or the book.

"Give a hand to my band, Sexual Chocolate!" Coming to America


I saw the entire film this morning. And agree with that this is timeless and should be re-introduced, similar to a post on the board "The Trouble With Angels". Stories based in fact never lose their gift to entertain or their message.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I agree it should be reintroduced. But not remade. The movie was a quiet perfect move and bringing big stars in the movie it would loose its authenticity. Oh and I Love the Trouble With Angles It is on TMC this week. Look at my name. It's after Marvel Ann.


Where I live, I saw both The Trouble With Angels and Where Angels Go Trouble Follows on TCM. Cool Name, also.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


Just watch the whole thing and must say it id a great movie. Caught the ending of the movie two years ago.

God has a hard on for marines because we kill everything we see. He plays his game, we play ours.


marbleann says > It was a good movie for some of the reasons you mentioned. The acting. It made it much more authentic. This film does not need a remake.
After reading the OP's comments, this is exactly what I was thinking and about to write. This is one of those movies that got it right. It should not be remade because a remake may overshadow this movie and that would be a shame. The movie itself was a first so that makes it important on its own. Beyond that, the story is good, and while it deals with many serious topics, it’s told in an interesting, entertaining way.

I'm not always against remakes, I often watch various versions of the same movie, but I think they're only necessary if the original is dated; the story would benefit from an update; or the filmmaker has something more or different to say. I don’t think any of those conditions apply here. The movie is perfectly fine just as it is.

What the movie needs is some publicity. It should be shown more often on network or cable television so more people can discover it. Families or classes should watch together then discuss the topics. That would be nice.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


The books adapted movies are derived from are almost always better, simply because you can tell more story AND backstory in a book. I think the film on its own works wonderfully.


I am formerly known as HillieBoliday....Member since May 2006

I guess it's pretty easy to make certain judgements if you are comparing this to today's films/filmmakers. That being said...I personally like it just the way it is.

I think remaking it...Just wouldn't work. I think it somewhat represents part of America's national theatrical treasure...Don't tamper with it.

"OOhhhooo....I'M GON' TELL MAMA!"


This was my take exactly. All of the photography looked great and certain scenes were quite breathtaking. The acting and other aspects, not so much. It could be remade in the way "True Grit" was--some aspects much better, but the really good ones could not be surpassed or probably even equalled.


Books are usually better, but I quite liked a lot of the actors here.

I liked Kyle Johnson as Newt, Estelle Evans as Newt's mom (who was also in "To Kill A Mockingbird"), Mira Waters as Newt's girlfriend. Most of the cast did a good job. I thought Alex Clarke was good as Marcus Savage although the crying effects (fake tears they put on his face in many scenes) were unnecessary. And the blind man's glasses bugged me a bit as they looked like something John Lennon would wear -- they probably snagged them from a dime store since this movie was made in the 1960s and that style of glasses was popular.

I would not want to see this film remade. First, they would never use n*** now even though it clearly WAS used, but no, let's pretend that never happened and erase history so society can't learn anything from its bad behavior.

Second, the film's raw nature and beautiful scenery (even when human ugliness interfered) could not be duplicated today, in my opinion. The fair scene was an actual fair and it looked like one. The clothes and hairstyles looked as they should have for this period drama.


A re-make would just ruin it
