Similar to Twilight Zone episode
"The episode is called "The Parallel" and was written by Rod Serling for the show's fourth season, the one with hour-long episodes. Steve Forrest stars as Major Robert Gaines. During a flight, his space capsule disappears off radar screens. Gaines wakes up in a hospital and learns his capsule was recovered, undamaged, close to his launch site. After he is released, Gaines starts to notice subtle differences: his house suddenly has a picket fence; everyone calls him Colonel rather than Major; no one has ever heard of President Kennedy; etc. He becomes convinced he's on a parallel world. Most people don't believe his fantastic story, but then scientists notice his capsule is NOT the one they sent up; there are noticeable differences. Gaines starts toward the capsule -- and suddenly finds himself in orbit, about to splash down. No one believes his story -- but then comes a report that an unidentified spacecraft appeared on radar for 90 seconds, accompanied by a radio transmission from a Colonel Gaines."