MovieChat Forums > Hello, Dolly! (1969) Discussion > This was filmed in my home town...

This was filmed in my home town...

I was seven years old when they came to Cold Spring and Garrison, New York, to film Hello Dolly. I met Walter Matthau, who put his derby on my head (it came down to my chin). Gene Kelly was also involved, I think, in the directing. Barbra Streisand was about as unfriendly as you can get. It was very exciting as they turned my little village into a 19th century town.

The movie is a little cheesy, but I love it anyway. It just brings back so many nice memories for me. And I do love the music in it.

If you were in the area when it was being filmed, send me a note.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli's"



They shot in Cold Spring also, where I grew up. Many of the town scenes were shot there, but a lot more was filmed in Garrison.

West point was right across the river from us. Every morning (at 6 a.m.)and afternoon (at 4:30 p.m.) we could hear the cannon going off signaling the start and end of the day. It's really a beautiful place.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli's"


mylesag, interestingly enough, the Hello Dolly "NYC street" set remained unused (and deteriorating) on the backlot of Fox well into the early 1990s--over 20 years! I used to see it every day on my way to work. They finally tore it down and erected offices and an indoor soundstage in its place.


True story - I was born 40 years ago, July 3, 1968. My parents had picked out no "girl" names, assuming I'd be a boy. The local newspaper, the Poughkeepsie (NY) Journal, on my birthday, on the front page above the fold ran a huge, 6-column width photo of Gene Kelly directing Streisand in a scene for the upcoming movie, and that's how I got my name. I always thought the movie was filmed right in Poughkeepsie. Is that near Garrison?

-- Barbra


Garrison is not too terribly far from Poughkeepsie. And what an interesting story! Did your parents keep the newspaper?

"Cut the ballet. It stinks anyway"


Poughkeepsie is located about 25 miles north of Garrison. They are both right on the Hudson river. The town I was born in, Cold Spring, is directly north of Garrison also on the river. There is a local paper called the Putnam County News and Recorder that covers Cold Spring and Garrison, but that only comes out once a week on Wednesdays and does not go outside of that area. There are also two other papers that people in those towns read, the Evening News (out of Newburgh - across the river) and the Evening Star (out of Peekskill, just south of Garrison). I did not know many people in town that read the Poughkeepsie Journal. But I am sure the Journal covered the story, since this was big news for that area.

Are you still in that area? If you are, you should take a ride some day down to Cold Spring and Garrison's water fronts. They are really beautiful and look like something you would see in a movie (I guess that is why they picked those areas!).

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli's"


thats cool. the only movie that i can remember being shot in my town was a very small part of the latest war of the worlds. some of the fake dead bodies got away and floated down the river.

