Funniest lines

I have to say most of my faves are from Horace:

"Eighty percent of the people in the world are fools and the rest of us are in danger of contamination."

"You are a seven-foot-tall nincompoop!"

And I love this exchange:

Ermengarde: But if I can't marry Ambrose, I know I'll die!
Horace: Of what?
Ermengarde: A broken heart.
Horace: Never heard of it.

Awesome movie.


Rudolph: you ordered the chicken?

Dolly: a chicken? Oh, I couldn't possibly eat a chicken! Not after everything I've been through today.

Horace: cancel the chicken!

Dolly: . . .and bring a turkey!


You'll go your way (points to the right), and I'll go mine (points to the right).
If you look closely, it seems some of the young ladies in the YWCA group in the parade has very modern hairstyles.

I like the bagpipes the best. And of course the men in Union uniforms I'm assuming were war vets (that's Civil War in case you don't know your history).

