This needs a DVD release OF SOME KIND - Preferrably a special edition with Commentary by Eric Braeden. OR COMMENTARY BY COLOSSUS!! That would really be unique!!
shareThis needs a DVD release OF SOME KIND - Preferrably a special edition with Commentary by Eric Braeden. OR COMMENTARY BY COLOSSUS!! That would really be unique!!
shareWhat!?!?!?!? There isnt one? Let us start a petition! We must get a DVD!
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps
Just got some news on this - it is going to be released on November 23, 2004 per Universal.
The bad news - FULL FRAME. Heck, I have widescreen on the Laserdisc!
And for only about a list price of $10, I suspect this will be rather pathetic quality with likely zero extras.
Thanks for undercutting a great film, Universal... BLAST IT!
I really hate when crummy DVDs are released for movies that deserve so much better. The fans then wait many many years for some big anniversary edition to get produced, it it ever does.
hmmm fs sucks... i rather get ws
DVD now out.
You can buy it on EBay for about $6 or $7.
It's out! I just ordered it at www.bestprices.com for $6.75 I also found another obscure but very "good thinking persons flick", Pursuit aka Binary. It is listed here at IMDB as Pursuit. I ordered it for $9.46
Any dates on this for UK?
Show me a man without principles and I will remove your rose-tinted glasses. You will see only air