Did they edit out dialog in new DVD version? OMG
Hi. I am a huge Colossus fan. I remembered watching this movie in the 70's on TV reruns when I was a kid, and I was really excited this week to be able to get it from netflix on DVD. However, as I watched it, it seems slightly different. I was wondering if anyone could validate this for me, or is this all the memory of a 42 year old who hasn't seen it since he was 11 years old? Ok here is one scene that really it has to have been edited:
The military/CIA are working at a silo to alter the missle settings - the helicopter lands - the brass get out and hustle over to the TV set (BTW great reception for being out in middle of nowhere :-). Colossus announces the tampering and everyone starts scrambling to get away. The CIA guy puffs on a pipe or cigar. Then it blows. I REMEMBER that some young soldier runs up to the guy calmly puffing to get him into a jeep or something, and the guy calmly says something like: "Son, you can get far enough away fast enough to make a difference". Does that ring a bell to anyone or am I cross circuiting with another unknown movie?
Also, I ended up a Computer Enginer because of this movie and Start Trek :-)
Well, at least because of Susan Clark...