I, Robot?

How can this site say that I,Robot is a remake of Colossus? Sure, the stories are very similar--but a remake?


No one can:
"I, Robot is a collection of science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov, first published in 1950."

written 20 years before Colossus.


Definately not. I, Robot is mere fodor for the masses. I wouldnt even think to compare them.


Apart from being written many years before, Asimov's "I, Robot" is vastly deeper in its thoughts than Colossus.
Anyway, it is true that the same idea lies in both stories: a machine would have a mathematic, merciless idea of justice and equity that could be as terrific as the worst, most arbitrary tyranny. Under this point of view, the slaughtering of 1 million people would be fair and good if it saves 1,000,001 lives.

This and the problem of self-conscient machines are most interesting issues we could be forced to face very soon



It doesn't say it's a remake, it says Colossus is referenced to in I, Robot, along with the Terminator series.
