DVD in UK?

Any release date yet?

You are not a pedant if you do not point out a a mistake when you see one!


I was waiting for this same info. In the end I ended up getting the region 1 version from this site...


It took about 2 weeks to come, & of course you need a dvd player that allows you to play region 1 discs, or a PC that does the same.

Hope this helps you :)

PS, if you look at the site in work be careful, as they have an adult/porn section. Wouldn't want you getting intp trouble :)


Hmm. Amazon.co.uk now has the Region 1 version, but a region 2/0 would be much appreciated!

[Insert witty, humerous or topical remark or comment here]


Is the R1 disc widescreen? I seem to remember checking and finding it academy ratio, which is ridiculous

"It's too short!
We need more monkeys! "


Amazon UK now has May 19 2008 for the R2 release.

I think we're the green thingy.
