Remake with Sequels

No, I don't want this film remade. But IF it gets remade I would like to see it done by a single producer-director, and filmed as a trilogy.

Of course, Jones' Colossus story is a trilogy. However - imho - his two sequel novels are mostly just weak efforts. However, that does not invalidate the rich potentialities of two possible MOVIE sequels NOT based on the novels.

A sufficiently directed/produced remake would cry out for a sequel, i.e., "Well, what happens next, after Forbin is defeated and Colossus has engulfed the world?" Again, imho, Jones's sequels just don't work well at answering this question, because


... the Forbin-Colossus relationship eventually becomes an almost symbiotic hybrid. That being the case, the theme of rebellion against Colossus was let go of and never again taken up.

Instead, what I would like to see is an initial sequel that would immediately begin with Forbin's "Never", and detailing his and his group's efforts at rebellion. It could end with a real cliff-hanger, with the third and final film resolving the human vs. computer conflict either happily/ or sadly/ for one side or another. Competently directed/produced, a new "Colossus Trilogy" might be a truly classic work of cinematic sci-fi.

Not that I want to see it happen. It's just that IF any is produced, AND if it, like the original film, ends with "Never... Never...", I would like to see that "Never" carried out as fiercely as possible in the sequels.



WHAT are you talking about?
