NO to a remake!

I know today's kids are corporate zombies trained to hate the past. Done so the corporations can repackage the past as something new in the form of cover music and remakes of movies. This permits corporations to earn multiple times upon the same content. Okay if you are a moron.

For those of us who enjoy the art of film then leave Colossus alone and respect it for the time in which it was made. Yes, the technology is antiquated but so will today's mobile phones and tablets in the future.

Today's technology is distributed, small and unseen. There would be no Colossus today, except in the sense of a distributed network. ARPANET existed in 1970 but the makers of the film didn't appreciate its ramifications.

If anyone has the talent to make a similar movie but based on today's technology and world problems then good luck to them but a remake is just plain stupid. It is corporate, which is to be despised and it is lazy. Aspire to be a great director and not another Michael Bay.


No remake is right. The only updating the film "needs" is the computer technology, and that is not a necessary update. Viewers can just stretch their imaginations and understand the the tech reflected the norms of the time in which the film was shot.





Not a remake but a sequel that goes far afield from the source material yet circumstances dire develop.
