blond girl
does anybody know the name of the blond girl(the prostitute) tath apears with delon in the hotel ???
sharedoes anybody know the name of the blond girl(the prostitute) tath apears with delon in the hotel ???
shareI think it's Sabine Sun, she has done many Italian B-movies and a lot of erotic movies.
shareTalk about erotic movies am I the only one here to question how this film which had so much nudely was only a PG film?
Crazy thing too when this played on the FOX network late at night it had no cuts.
See some stars here
Well, first of all, the nudity wasn't sexually explicit. Secondly, bear in mind the PG-13 rating didn't exist until the '90s, so its final rating makes sense.
In today's world, however, I can't even begin to imagine seeing a PG-13 film with that much nudity in it; it'd be considered an erotic film.
All behold the spectacle! - Vlad Drac
I found that there was very little nudity in fact, and moreover, that it was very tame. The count? The blond prostitute in bed with Delon: (1) one boob for 1.5 sec, (2) a few giggling bare-bottomed bimbos filming a "porn" at a photographer's studio (again, everything happens very quickly - 1.5 sec again -and you could show it to an old nun without blinking)- just cheeks, no tits and (3) the boss's daughter-in-law sunbathing in the buff, buttocks up; when lucky Delon (again) jumps on her for one tender embrace, you may see a side boob for 0.75 sec at most. Total count: more or less 3.75 sec of very tame nudity, even by Mary Poppins standards.
And you are shocked, monsieur? And your street address in Salt Lake City being?
I find it sad that you actually paid such close attention to the nudity even timing it to a fraction of a second. I must admit I missed the nudity in Mary Poppins.
Supposedly the movie was made in English, Italian, and French using the same cast. I don't know if that means it was dubbed or if they actually filmed three versions. I still can't tell if what I was watching was dubbed but there were subtitles.
Anyway, my point is the amount of nudity would have been acceptable, probably for all audiences, in Europe. You can see as much in their newspapers and magazines. In the U.S., by 1969, things seem to have loosened up considerably.
I keep seeing movies from that era that show more than I would have expected to see. By the time the movie made it to TV, some things were probably edited out. The version I saw today was shown early in the morning on cable. Those scenes were left in but all private body parts were blurred out.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]