MovieChat Forums > Castle Keep (1969) Discussion > No Widescreen edition DVD?

No Widescreen edition DVD?

I just got my copy of "Castle Keep" today. I'm glad to have the movie, but why is not presented in widescreen format?

I'm fairly dissapointed here. I've waited a long time to get this film on digital format, now only to have a full screen presentation.

I don't know what to say.


I've been watiing for five years for this on dvd. And I find out sunday that's its full screen only, Im so angry.

A bat is what life sometimes come from


Yeah, I still have my store bought VHS, and the one I taped off TBS, and kept hoping that the then new LASER medium would bring this film back to life.

So far the owners of various film properties have been pretty good about reissuing memorable films, and reissing them in letterbox format with remastered images and sound. Why this one was given a kind of semi-gloss instead of a full coat is beyond me. Particularly since it was released more than once over the years.

I mean, "Zulu" got a letterbox reissue... TWICE. Why not "Castle Keep"? How hard would it have been just to go the whole nine yards on the thing? I didn't need a commentary (though it would've been nice), nor did I need featurettes or missing scenes (again although that would've been nice), because it's not a film that really demands those things. But to reissue it in full screen? Come on.

I mean this is an "artsy" kind of war movie. Do the folks at Sony Pictures think we're that dim not to appreciate a widescreen presentation? Do they think we're all a bunch of gun-toating Rambo-esque fans who just love to see stuff get blown up?

Oh well.


Widescreen version available at It's worth it. It's an entirely different movie experience wide screen. More enjoyable. No extras though, other than trailers.
